Summer Solstice Guidance

Hello and happy summer solstice and strawberry full moon!

How are you feeling on the other side of the solstice and this beautiful strawberry full moon?

The solstice represents a time to reflect on the blessings we have received in seasons past and to look forward to new growth.

Many of us are embarking on new chapters and exploring interesting developments at this time, and I feel guided to remind you to take the time to tune into your intuition from a state of presence to support you with moving forward.

Remember that meditation is more than sitting still and being quiet. It can be an integral part of your daily life; a moment-to-moment practice as you intend to be highly present. This allows for you to listen to your intuition more clearly and for the Universe to speak with you more clearly and directly as well.

You will see that you will trust yourself and the choices you are making that much more, especially because you have a much better chance of paying attention to any signs, synchronicities, and warnings coming your way.

Just remember, the universe is on your side and your attention to being present is what cultivates your relationship with it and yourself in a powerful way.

May this be a time of abundance and happiness for you.


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