Gratitude: The Ultimate Practice To Manifest What You Desire ✨

Happy Friday!

I hope all is well with you and you’re finding many moments to smile.  😊

This week I’m sharing the ultimate manifestation tool. I hope you love it!

It’s gratitude! When you are grateful and appreciate what you have, it opens the door to receive more of what you desire from life.  And the good news is the more you practice intentional gratitude the better your results get!   ✨

This is because when you focus on what you are grateful for in your life and what you would like to invite more of into it, you send a powerful message to the universe. This works in stark contrast to practicing anxiety and worrying about what you don’t want, which just brings you more of the things that cause you anxiety and worry along with blocking your ability to intentionally create your life.

This is also why out of all the manifestation practices I know of, after many years I still write a daily gratitude list and I continue to recommend it to clients. This practice empowers you with presence, shifts your focus, and draws positive energy to you! So what’s not to love!  🌟

Think it’s too simple to make any difference? I know I did! Many years ago, when I began to study the law of attraction, it was one of those practices that seemed too simple to make any difference. Yet, when I don’t do it I distinctly notice my energy dip. It really is that powerful in raising your vibration. So it remains a number one tool I use to remind myself of what is working and to gain clarity on what I want to shift in my life.

Personally, I enjoy reflecting at the end of the day and creating my gratitude list as I prepare for bed.  

  • I write at least ten things I am grateful for and I begin each sentence with “I am grateful for…”
  • As I write, I focus on really feeling the energy of gratitude. If any other emotions are present as I write, I let myself feel, let it flow, and then let it go.
  • Then I create a list of ten intentions/what I want to manifest.
  • This allows me to fall asleep feeling clear, with gratitude and intentions present for the next day.
  • You can do these practices in the morning or evening, whatever you prefer!

It is as simple as that. Then watch for the signs, synchronicities, and changes that happen and keep intentionally creating from there. This will also give you clues as to what isn’t manifesting easily and those can be areas of your life you could use some support.

Enjoy the process! Remember that how you feel matters, your words are magic,  and the manifestation process is most effective when you detach from “the how” and surrender your intentions to the universe with faith and love. 💛

So on that note, Thank You for being a part of my community! I really do appreciate you very much.

If you would like any clarification on the process or what kind of results I’ve seen from using it, reach out to me. I’d love to hear from you! ☀

Wishing you a week of blessings.

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