Mystical Experiences With Music

How are you? I do hope all is well.

This week I’m sharing my experience with one of my favorite things in the world. Music.

Ever since I can remember I’ve had a deep spiritual connection with music and consider it to be the language of my soul.

Just like the thoughts we think and words we speak, music has frequency, vibration, and resonance.

It has the power to influence your vibration, how you feel, your point of attraction, and magnetization. It profoundly influences energy and is a significant reason I use sound healing in sessions.

I have mystical experiences with music every day. I know that from my practice working with energy and with the angels, that one of my main guides is Archangel Sandalphon who is known to communicate with us through music, symbolism, sacred geometry, and the spoken word.

How often do you have synchronistic, mystical experiences with music?

Where a song comes on and the lyrics are exactly what is going in your life?
Or you get a song in your head and soon you hear it playing?
Feel deeply moved by the musical sounds of nature.
And of course, profound experiences creating, listening, dancing to music.

When experiencing a deep resonance with music, this loving and fascinating angel is likely to communicate with you as well.

Whatever you believe about angels; music guides us with signs, messages from the universe, and can enhance or diminish your energy and life force.

I invite you to explore your mystical relationship with music, set the intention to receive a message from the universe/your guides/the angels through music.

Have fun experimenting, and enjoy a mystical week.

Also, just a reminder that if you have extended benefits through your health insurance you may be able to claim your sessions with me. Check out the Youtube video below for more information. ✨

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